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From the Fragments: Places and People in Colonized New England

Site Visits
See the places you will visit and learn about during your week with From the Fragments

1654 Colonial Meeting House
Dover Neck, Dover, NH
Walk the grounds of this National Register of Historic Places site where GBAS has done archaeology that shows that English colonists living locally were making dynamic decisions about their daily lives, including interactions with Native Americans, decisions that often had little to do with orders from Puritan Boston.

Re-Indigenizing Tour of P8bagok/Great Bay Estuary
Be guided by the head speakers of the Cowasuck Band of the Pennacook-Abenaki People on a tour of sacred places across the Great Bay landscape, re-inscribing Indigenous meaning and presence in this landscape, where dominant narratives have marginalized them for a long time.

Drones and Colonial Deforestation
See how cutting edge drone and sensor technology is helping advance new insights into the environmental impacts of early colonial industries, especially lumbering and associated mill dams. Visit one of the earliest mill dams in the estuary that was built buy Indentured Scottish soldiers and that remains a point of contention today.

Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire
Gain awareness and appreciation of forgotten lives and histories of enslaved Africans in New Hampshire during the colonial era and beyond. A guided tour by the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire will move through this coastal port town to sites of Black history, including customized stops at Portsmouth's Strawbery Banke Museum.

Cultural Heritage Material Hands-On Experiences
Spend time in the UNH Archaeology Lab exploring the numerous artifacts from the 17th century recovered during GBAS's years of fieldwork and seeing our field gear. Fragments of ceramics, pipes, food, clothing, and more were left behind by people living through colonialism, and they carry some of the stories of what it meant to live through this time of radical change.

Gundalow Boat Tour of Great Bay Estuary's Waterways
Close out your week if you would like on an optional Friday evening sunset tour of the Great Bay Estuary sailing on a replica gundalow built by the Gundalow Company. Gundalows are boats that were invented during the 17th century in this colonial frontier to navigate the shallow tidal waters of the estuary, and they were an instrumental technology to many of the changes you will have learned about.

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